Our Mission

We're a small family-run business that want to make it easy for the DIY-curious to install their own solar power and reduce reliance on the grid.

We do that by 1) sourcing the highest quality A+ grade monocrystalline solar panels and supporting components at affordable prices 2) providing information on how to install solar systems by yourself in a concise and simple way.

Our Transit and mascot, Clara & MIKA, on one of our trips

How did we get started?

5 years ago, we decided it’d be fun to get an old Ford Transit and install an off-grid solar system, so that we could be self-sufficient on our trips. 

From that initial project, we were well and truly bitten by the solar bug, and went on installing lots of different solar projects for friends and family, both off-grid and grid-tie including an 8kw grid-tie system at home. 

We had to read through a huge amount of complicated information to work out what we needed and how to put components together. We also found it difficult to find quality solar panels, at the sizes we needed and an affordable price. We found installers wouldn't sell their panels without an installation service, at an inflated premium.

We want to share the knowledge we’ve gained to help others avoid these problems and get to installing their own solar quickly and affordably.

In a nutshell

Installing solar panels can be a great route to cheap, renewable energy but 1) expensive installers 2) a general lack of knowledge how to install your own panels and 3) difficulty finding high quality components stops a lot of us doing that.

We hope photonomy can help you avoid some of those problems and kick-start your own solar journey.

Thanks for visiting!